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公司名称:伟邦国际速递有限公司;地址:上海市闵行区航新路638号1号(总部)、上海浦东锦安东路88弄21号101室(浦东分部);电话:(86)021-64212098 021-62629520

苏州公司电话:4001887303 常熟公司电话:4001887303 杭州公司电话:4001185917 吴江公司电话:4001887303 绍兴公司电话:4001185917

宁波公司电话:0574-87134980 东莞公司电话:0769-3662198 3657206 3657205 深圳公司(机场站)电话:0755-27348546




1. 香港、台湾、日本、韩国、孟加拉、印尼、马来西亚直飞专线。

2. 出口到英国、法国、意大利、西班牙、比利时、德国等欧盟国家之服务成衣免配额包清关服务。

3. 提供专线到付至香港、台湾、日本、韩国、印尼、泰国、新加坡、越南、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡、孟加拉、印度(孟买)、迪拜、英国。

4. 提供进口到付从香港、台湾、韩国、泰国、印尼、新加坡、孟加拉、斯里兰卡、迪拜、英国、法国到达中国。

5. 代收贷款,货运同步协调。

6. GGPS全程跟踪查询系统。

7. 付款方式灵活,提供签约月结,接受第三方付费。

8. 周一至周日全天24小时服务,每天均有航班捷程前往世界各地。

SCS Express International Limited was founded in Hong Kong in 1992, specialises in "Hand Carried Services"to Asia, Africa, Europe and Middle East countries.

Our international staff have had in excess of 25 years of experience in international Hand Carried Services for door to door deliveries. At SCS we make it our business to understand your business. We know that each sample can mean millions of dollars worth of business. An On Board Courier accompanies every SCS consignment leaving Hong Kong. All shipments, which are packed in an airline's container, are treated as our personal luggage. We can get your samples to their destination with more security, and with on time proof of delivery. We know that in many Customs Departments in the world, goods have to go through complicated Customs clearance processes, which may be troublesome and time consuming. With SCS's Hand Carried Courier Service, shipments require only the simplest documentation. We take care of everything, including customs clearance, duties and regulations.

Our motto is to understand you and your business. Think of us as your company's own Personal Courier Department. Contact us to discuss your individual requirements. We can offer expert advice and assistance.

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